
Wismith & Rebecca Joseph
Founding Director
Redeemed Vocational School is the result of the work of God in the life of a young man in Haiti named Wismith Joseph. Early in his life God began to plant a dream in his heart for something more than a life of poverty and need. As God did a deeper work in his heart he also began desiring to help others. Not only ministering to them spiritually but also helping them to gain new vision and hope for their life by equipping them to work with their hands to provide for themselves.

Michael & Rebeca Gingrich
Board Member

Calvin & Jeanette Frey
Board Member

Kenlyn & MarySue Miller
Board Member

Floyd & Janice Martin
Board Member

Jonny Sommers
Board Member

Aaron and Wendy Lavy
Board Member

Jeff & Stephanie Lehman

Herode Fevry

Meronel Dextra

Frist Dorcius
English Teacher

Geordanis Joseph
Office & Substitute Teacher

Jude Fedelus, Cliff Thesalus, Toussaint Smith-
Mechanic Shop Staff

Jean Baptiste Morelus
Computer Class Teacher

Samuel Nelson
Computer Class and Computer Repair

Jesumene Omilus
Sewing Teacher

Robert Dabady
Auto Machanics Teacher

Marie Octalia Volcy
Sewing Teacher